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Our Story

Our Story  


Our blends and coffee is grown at nearly half a mile above sea level in El Salvador and Honduras' mountains. Our coffee beans are nourished by ancient volcanic soil. The high altitude helps the Arabica beans grow slow, infusing each one with unique aromas and flavors, until they are ready for harvest. 


It's a perfect blend of the wonders of nature and the pride our family farmers take in their work. Each day during harvest season, they wake to climb the mountain and harvest the world's finest coffee beans, with hopes that you will enjoy it as much as they do.


We are pleased to bring you three inviting coffee options from the mountains to your home. Our coffees are locally roasted and offered fresh at the time of your order.


Our farmers and families thank you! 

   The magic of Coffee from El Salvador   

Known as "the land of volcanoes", the smallest central American country (about the size of New Jersey) is El Salvador. Coffee has been grown here since the mid 1700's and was mostly for domestic consumption. Since the around 2003, the reputation among El Salvador's specialty coffee regions, has grown by leaps and bounds.  

As coffee grew in economic importance, the government offered incentives that created a strong network of landowners that gained control of the coffee market.


In the 1970's coffee was 50% of the country GDP. A decade long civil war in the 1980's was part of a decline in the coffee market. Farmers lacked the resources to continue harvesting the fields. Fields were abandoned and overgrown until a peace agreement was completed in January of 1992. 


Fast forward to today and the coffee of El Salvador is being recognized for special varieties.

The varieties of coffee is what truly make the Salvadorian coffee special. Pacamara, Pacas, Bourbon and Typica are the main types of Arabica coffee plants. There are hybrid plants as well that were cultivated by the Salvadorian farmers. These unique plants with the nutrient rich volcanic soil of the mountains can be compared to cultivating unique fine wines.


Processing these beans is done in unique ways as well including; washed, natural, honey and some experimental combinations of each. Roasting of the beans is done with care to make sure only the best beans make it into the bag or coffee you are purchasing.


One of our goals is to help the farmers continue to grow and live a sustained healthy life in El Salvador by producing coffee. By empowering the farmers and workers we can share with you a wonderful coffee that is truly unique and delicious.





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